The Dove in White Eyelet - Un-lined

Hannah Rose Coverings Etc.©
Coverings - Veils - Wraps - Accessories - Adornments

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This veil is the 16" veil, and model is wearing it a bit back on the head with hair up.

Beautiful for chapel services, and very feminine.

Ruffle eyelet edging.

Brim tapers off and crosses over in back, and may be pinned.

May be worn with hair up or down and look lovely.

From the front the ruffle on the brim looks like it blends in with the side ruffle on the side edge of the veil.

White poly/cotton eyelet fabric.

A short straight side with back bottom that is slightly rounded.

Fully covers the hair.

Longer veils are available

Un-lined 14 inches $8.00 16 inches $10.00+ Shipping and handling


Longer veils are available upon request.
Due to cost of materials changing these prices may change.

©Copyright all rights reserved 1/1999 by Mary Walters 16101 Windham Dr. Little Rock, Ar. 72206 The Dove covering lined or unlined with or without ruffle.

©Copyright All rights reserved Hannah Rose Coverings Etc. 1999 by Mary Walters E-mail Hannah Rose Coverings Etc.

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